... a mage clad in blue.

Adorned by finely crafted attire colored in shades of woad and ceruleum blue , much like the man's hair - matched with piercing eyes deprived mostly of their color , and only a hint of icy blue remains in those whites.An everlasting compassionate smile finds itself engraved upon Alzahars lips should you meet him.
Thavnairan Craftsmanship combined with Magic is what the man of the bloodline of House Sayf is known for.


Born in Thavnair and into the Bloodline of House Sayf , that hails from his Thavnairan Father Tyras Sayf , Alzahar has always led a life that most would yearn and wish for - Gil flowing freely from the Trade and Crafts his Father cared for , and a Mother from Sharlayan with roots deep into magic.Following in both of their footsteps Alzahar learned to craft from his father and joined him in his meetings even as a child , later on Alzahar went to study the
aetherial field and magic for a time in Sharlayan - combining both his heritage of Thavnair Craftmanship and Magic he became most known for
Magical Accessories or specially altered Attire for those that have the necessary coin to spare while also still dabbling in the trade of magical artifacts or otherwise similiar ingredients.
Alzahar is what many would call a workaholic , a strive for knowledge and new things and a certain kind of love for Magic in all its forms or fine craftmenship.He is a man with a kind heart and has always been , no matter how much wealth he accumulates the Mage is sure to use it for good deeds here and there. Although any donations he makes are done so Anonymously.In the face of the public Alzahar is known as crafter , but he is also a capable mage - honing such skills in Private in a technique that is passed down from his Mother , Ashaja Redbird.


Full Name: Alzahar Sayf
Alias: "The Crystal Mage" , "Crystal Crafter" , "Alz"
Age: Thirty-two.
Race: Hyur (Midlander).
Nationality: Half Thavnair & Sharlayan.
Marital Status: Single.
Sexuality: A preference for Men.
Occupation: Crafter , Mage , Seller of Imported Magical Goods and sometimes Adventurer.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Hair: Ceruleum Blue.
Eye Color: A striking mix of white and icy blue like crystal.
Height: 6" / 183cm
Body Type: Physically fit and muscular , athletic - works out.
Attire: Fine Clothing in either shades of Ceruluem or Woad Blue , some custom tailored.
Notable Features:Lighting like scars that run from his usually bandaged Hands upwards to his Elbows. Although well healed , yet layered.Strong yet odd Aether that clings to him.Hobbies:
Reading Books & studying , gardening , swimming , playing various musical instruments (mainly the Piano.) , singing.
Foods: Most Dishes with Fish , Grapes.Drinks: A bottle of fine Wine , Amra Lassi and a well made Coffee.


Words may have reached you about a Man skilled in the art of making Accesoires and other Items such as fine Attire with Magical Properties. Be it to enhance the flow of Aether or hide it or perhaps an entirely different idea Alzahar Sayf might be the Person to seek out. Although his Service might be costly he is known to trade his Expertise for a simple debt (not gil.) .
Wares & Trade
Known not only for craft but also Trade should you seek certain special Wares , be it from Thavnair or even as far as rare items or materials one might not find so easily Alzahar will try his best to procure it for you. Or maybe you are simply a trade partner , wanting to establish new connections.
A man with strange aether , too strong and somewhat repressed. Perhaps enough to be seen by some characters with an affinity for such thing.
When not busy with crafting or trading Alzahar is a skilled mage, his technique passed down to him and someone else. Perhaps a strange sight , or perhaps rumors of the Man one may call Crystal Mage.
Part-time Adventurer & Traveller
Does Adventure Jobs occasionally , or Travels if his heart desires so. Meet him , or hire him - as a Mage he is sure to be a good help in either a Team or Alone. Alzahar does it not for coin , but simply his hearts desire.
Hired for...what?
Alzahar , a man with too much coin in his purse - and oftentimes who uses it to hire Bodyguards to accompany him to various things. He may or may not need them. But that won't stop someone from taking a Job with a well offer of Gil.
The classic , of course one has to include it. Talk to him , he is a good listener and Conversation Partner.
______________________________________________________Coin on his Head
No matter how kind you are in earnest to those around you , there will always be one jealous - fuming of the success a man makes. Many like to see him gone , none have succeeded. His business a threat to some , and his family technique as a mage a knowledge some crave for. Enough to pay good coin to see him dead or alive. Be hired to kill him , kidnap or steal. Possibilities that leave much open.

OOC Information

Hey there! My name is Nero* (he/him)* I'm 22+ years old and ive been doing RP well over 8 years now.x I do both ingame and Discord RP. I usually prefer Discord RP due to Uni and my EU timezone. Often I like a mix of both!x My RP length mostly consists of Paragraphs but can vary according to the RP and the situation. I can keep it shorter or try to make it longer.x I'm open to most style of RPs and Plots , small things such as Alzahar crafting a thing or two for your character or something with more bite to it.x Mature RP is fine , Injuries as well! I typically roll for any type of fight, but I don't mind adapting to whatever else is used at the moment. Big Injuries I would like to talk about OOC and as long as they have reason.x I'll be straight forward , I am interested in Romance RP for Alzahar. However, I am picky when it comes to it , good OOC Communication is a must and a development in RP as well.x Yes that also includes ERP , but let's be honest here, if it's not a plotted romance thing that is long lasting, or we have very good OOC communication on top of that than it's most likely not going to happen.x Feel free to add me on discord @alcyonsa to discuss RP!
You can also just send me an /tell if I am online on Alzahar Sayf(Mateus).